The Moon waxes to Full in Pisces today at 7:54 PM EDT. This Moon is sacred Water energy. This lunation is a time of sacred Water magick. The Pisces Full Moon is a dreamy, mystical placement that helps us find our personal power and inspiration. This Moon wants us to look at our relationship with faith and trust. What do we believe in? What or whom do we trust? This lunation compels us to identify and express our spiritual needs, and then to bring form to them in some sort of creed or belief set, a frame-work that can help us live better as we move forward through times both good and bad. This Moon aligns us with our deeper dreams and challenges us to bring them into the world. This Moon brings us face to face with our weaknesses, with our fears, with our ghosts, our failures and our addictions. It will sing to our darkness and to our hunger. It brings us an opportunity to let go of what causes us to suffer, to free our self of what no longer belongs in our life. Be open to making peace with yourself and with your past. Be open to healing the struggling relationships in your life that are salvageable and should have a place in your life. This Moon offers us insight into who we really are and what kind of life we really should be living. Form intent to feed the good things in your life during your Full Moon ritual and cultivate willingness to let go of all the things that no longer nourish or please you.
For further information about current astrological influences check out my twenty minute long weekly podcast posted each Monday: Duncan de la Montagne Comments are closed.