Sunday the Full Moon in Leo, which occurs at 1:28 PM EST, is going to seem more like a solar flare up than a lunar event due to the T Square it forms with Uranus. The typical Full Moon climax of energies will be particularly intense, big feelings and big emotions will be on full display. Be careful you don’t go too far when putting whatever you feel you need to ‘put out there’ out there now. The next 48 hours would have to be seen as an unlucky time to launch a venture or project. Be careful who you invite into your life now. Bring humility and a sense of humor if you have a performance scheduled or a presentation to make. Make no big life decisions under the energies of this Leo Full Moon. You are likely to encounter drama now, hopefully you will not be the drama.
Duncan de la Montagne After a relatively calm week astrological energies intensify with the formation of a Sun/Uranus square on Friday. Energies are volatile and unpredictable going into the weekend. An unreasonable stubbornness can take hold in some or an unreasonable insistence on being right and ‘winning the conversation’. Conflict can spark easily under these energies. Exercise caution, accident or misadventure are far more likely now. What can go wrong is indeed likely to go wrong. This is no time for foolish risks. These chaotic Sun/Uranus energies extend right through the weekend.
Saturday energies amp up further as the Moon transits in Leo at 3:49 AM EST. If you are going to make an ass of yourself during Aquarius Season this year Saturday is the day you are most likely to do it. Certainly people will be much more in their ego on the weekend, which can make them more sensitive to criticism, real or perceived. Try to avoid going too deep into ‘all about you’ mode now. Be sure to blend awareness of the needs and rights of others in your interactions and communications. Duncan de la Montagne Mars has emerged from the shadow of its retrograde and is releasing forward-flowing energies of action again. This weekend on both Saturday and Sunday the Sun in Aquarius trines Mars, bringing clarity of vision, perception and thought. The Sun in Aquarius also squares the Nodes of Karma now
putting many at major crossroads in their life. Opportunities by nature are impermanent, each window that opens will also surely close. Always stay true to your own ethics and values but as long as such alignment is present do not be afraid to move toward that which you desire now, or toward whom. Regret due to non-action can cause great inner pain, indeed many times doing nothing is the worst choice of all. Now is also the time to begin getting your life and your internal emotion and energy space in order in preparation for the impending ingress of Saturn into Pisces and all that can bring to a being and a life. Duncan de la Montagne Venus enters soft, dreamy, mutable Water element sign Pisces on Thursday at 9:33 PM EST, opening many to love. Whether it is love already in one's life in one of its numerous forms or love that is yet to be Venus draws us to the warm comfort of connection and emotional intimacy. Venus is exalted in Pisces. This three and half week transit will stir the romantic in even the most independent of souls and it will certainly stimulate imagination and creativity. Boundaries however can be a problem when Venus is in Pisces, as can an idealization of a person who is the focus of desire. Be sure you are seeing the person who is actually there before making any major moves in your love or friendship life life at this time. Be sure you are being honest in your own actions as well. Pisces is a caring, affectionate and compassionate sign and those are wonderful energies to bring to the world. Just be sure they do not cause you to fall under some sort of codependent enchantment that has you trying to save someone in love. Most often what happens there is they just draw you down into their own suffering.
Duncan de la Montagne. The Sun in Aquarius aligns in a perfect sextile with Jupiter in Aries today, melding inspiring forward-thinking Air Element energy with confident, assertive Fire. This bright fusion of complimentary elemental energy brings a positive-mindedness to many folks midweek. Venus is pulling away from Saturn in Aquarius, clearing mental creative blockages and opening portals of attraction. Finally Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, has stationed direct after a long retrograde cycle. This is a great time to begin a new project, to form new friendships, or to forge new work partnerships. Even romance in a non-Libra Air Season is possible now. After all, Aquarians do love too. As we move into the heart of the week no matter the area of life, if it feels right take a chance.
Duncan de la Montagne The Sun moved into Aquarius on Friday January 20 at 3:29 AM EST, concluding Capricorn Season 2023. On Saturday at 3:53 PM EST the Moon conjoins the Sun and we have a New Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius Season itself is about innovation and personal self-expression. We seek to become a more authentic version of our self and we want to share this new, truer version of our self with the world. Aquarius is concerned with the state of the world and Aquarius Sun and Rising folk seek to create and inspire in ways that improve the world around them. This New Moon consider what you can do to help improve the world around you, and on a more personal level look to see where you have became stagnant in your life, what no longer works in your life, what you need to move on from and where you need to grow.
Duncan de la Montagne Friday January 6, 2023 18:08 EST - Full Moon in Cancer. The first full moon of the new year wants you to connect with the element of Water. It wants you to explore your own feelings and emotional needs and it wants you to examine the various relationships in your life. By focusing on Water and how you experience it in your life you can discover areas where you may be in denial and areas where you need to develop healthy coping mechanisms. You may find certain relationships with others are not what they should be. In situations where that is the case the next step is to consider whether the relationship can be worked on or whether it is best moved on from. The Full Moon in Cancer reminds us that feelings are best experienced and lived rather than ignored or repressed. It also reminds us of the importance of love, support and human connection in life. This Water Element reset can set you up for a richer relationship life experience in 2023 and it can help you develop a better relationship with yourself.
Duncan de la Montagne Mercury in Sagittarius joins the weekly aspect party Tuesday when it forms an opposition to Mars Retrograde in Gemini. Distraction can easily lead to accidents under these energies. Harshly judgmental stances or an nasty over competitiveness can take hold, creating discomfort and problems for those on the receiving end. Mean-spiritedness and petty fighting however rarely serve anyone in the long run. Those in a more positive state of being will however be able to take advantage of a midweek Mercury sextile with Saturn in Aquarius, which will help them find answers and solutions in difficult situations of all sorts. The Moon made its first transit of the week Tuesday when it moved from the Fixed Air of Aquarius to the Mutable Water of Pisces at 7:15 PM EST. This will take some of the edge off the after-effects of the hard early week Mercury/Mars opposition. Pay close attention to your dreams midweek, this is the last Pisces Moon in this year's Neptune Retrograde cycle. Sexual tension amps up Wednesday as Venus in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini. Avoid impulse based choice-making now. While swiping left or right is simply a choice, swiping backward is rarely a good idea. It is always best to leave your more toxic relationship past back in the past. That being said, these Mars/Venus opposition energies can inspire some to make a move, and nothing ever happens in the sexual/romantic realm without somebody making a move. A Mercury in Sagittarius square with Neptune in Pisces however can create emotional discord in those not spiritually aligned which can cause them to create drama with others or instigate petty meaningless fights. In a more general sense miscommunication will create confusion now. Make sure you have your facts straight before moving forward and pay attention to the details of any offer or deal that comes up now. Venus in Sagittarius forms a sextile Saturn in Aquarius Thursday, which can be helpful in forming deeper commitments in the relationship area of life. Thursday at 11:41 PM EST the Moon transits into Aries. Aligned with the Sagittarius Fire Sun this Cardinal Fire Moon creates one of the great creation and creativity windows of Sagittarius Season 2022.
Duncan de la Montagne It was Samhaim on Monday and thirteen is the number this week. Thirteen to form a coven and thirteen is the degree of Scorpio where the South Node of the Moon currently resides. All of the Scorpio inner planets are heading toward their own individual rendezvous there, so it will be endings that create space for beginnings for many in the coming days.
Wednesday the planet Venus is conjunct the South Node. Saturday the Sun will be conjunct the South Node and on Sunday it is Mercury’s turn to align with the Node of old Karma and dark Karma. Wednesday is not a good day for launches or presentations, particularly for those with Scorpio or other Fixed Sign personal planets. For all, friendships and relationships that are built on faulty foundations may begin to fail now. Past relationship wounds may reopen under these energies, or problematic people from our past relationship life may show up now. Old feelings of resentment and anger may manifest now. Some may be drawn into past dramas. Karma may come calling for those who have been misbehaving in relationships or friendships. This is not a time to try to get away with something. Be careful what or who you invite into your life under these energies. The best this Venus/South Node conjunction offers is some fairly uncomfortable emotional healing in situations from the past. The Moon moves into Pisces at 2:47 PM EDT Wednesday, taking us deep into the dream and spirit realms for the next two days. Pay special attention to your dreams now. Chronicle them for future reference. With the Moon in Pisces and with Neptune forming a trine with Pallas on Thursday this is a time for spiritual work and restful reflection. Slow down, find quiet, still spaces. Take a spa day if you can, or head out into nature for a long walk. If you take time for yourself now important insights about yourself and about your life will rise and form in the days following next week’s Full Moon/Eclipse. These new insights and the subsequent fresh awareness you will be blessed with will facilitate the sort of profound transformation Scorpio Season is known for in you and in your life. Inspiration for beautiful and moving art can be found under these Pisces Moon/Scorpio Sun energies. Duncan de la Montange There is a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in the first degree of Scorpio on Tuesday. This New Moon/Solar eclipse occurs near the South Node, which is also in Scorpio, so this is a time to purge dark emotion and feeling that you have been holding onto. Let the New Moon seeds you plant now be seeds of liberation from resentments, grudges and longstanding shadow feuds. The best this New Moon has to offer is a cleansing of your inner energy space that ultimately frees more of your source energy for things such as living well, achieving, experiencing joy and giving and receiving love.
Feelings drive actions now and you may experience intense reactivity around you now and over the course of Scorpio Season. Step away from emotional triggers yourself. Fear based people can feel a greater need for control and can be drawn to sneaky behaviors, manipulation and covert actions to achieve their aim; the callously ambitious may also do the same. Stay present minded and observant if your instincts sense something is even slightly off, it may be that betrayal is in the wind. This is no time to be naïve. With Venus joining the Sun in Scorpio and with the New Moon/South Node Solar Eclipse the early days of Scorpio Season 2022 are looking quite tumultuous. Politics and world affairs are obvious cauldrons of chaos with Putin posturing to commit the ultimate act of terrorism against innocent civilians by setting off a nuclear dirty bomb in Ukraine among other things, but your workplace, friend groups or sexual romantic life could just as easily be affected. The coming winter will be difficult, however Scorpio Season does afford an opportunity to develop a strong emotional core which can help you move through it all. In the shorter term, practicing spiritual principles of patience, tolerance and acceptance well and employing a strategy of disengagement from intense emotional displays occurring around you will likely serve you well. Lunar energies remain intense and volatile Wednesday with the Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus and square Saturn. Expect to experience some drama around you, try not to get any on you though. And if it is you creating the drama remember that in most cases the drama you create in the present rarely serves your long-term best interests. Mercury in Libra trines Mars in Gemini midweek and there are some positive meditating and creating energies available. Mars is about to go retrograde for a number of months, so best to use this energy while it is available. Duncan de la Montagne |