Venus has moved into Pisces, a sign in which it is exalted, and one in which it harmonizes well with the Capricorn Sun. Venus will travel the mystic mutable waters of Pisces until February 4 of this year. Venus will revisit Pisces via a retrograde in late March. Venus in Pisces is about emotional connection and emotional intimacy. We can find this essential life element/soul nutrient in both friendships and sexual-romantic relationships. Capricorn is about creating stability through commitment, development and longevity of presence. For the duration of the Sun’s transit through Capricorn (until January 19) focus on connecting with your love needs and on finding intimate points of connection where they can be met. Venus in Pisces is about poetry and love, sex may or may not be present. Certainly sex without emotional connection will not satisfy your true Venus urges/needs now. We are all spiritual and emotional beings living in physical bodies. This is a time for real intimacy that feeds the whole of your being, rather than passing hedonistic sexual acts. Go deep with friendships now, go deep with love partners now. When the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 20 Venus in Pisces will begin stimulating your creativity. The last two weeks of the transit should prove fertile for artistic projects of all sorts.
Duncan de la Montagne We have a New Moon in Capricorn today, the exact point of lunation is 17:27 EST. New Moons are times to plant seeds of intent. Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth element sign that manifests its need for physical and material security through the steady and determined pursuit of ambition. Sitting between The Sun and The World, the Twenty card of the Major Arcana in the Tarot is the archetype of self actualization. There is more to the journey of life than creating and developing a well-functioning successful life in the world, there is finding awareness of and manifesting our higher ideals and purpose. Take stock now, inventory yourself and your life. Identify five positive things that you like and appreciate about yourself. Reflect on how they enrich your life and your experience. Next consider five things about you or areas of life you would like to improve or develop, then commit to action toward their implementation and development for the next 28 days. There is a good chance if you get that far with them your new initiatives will have become ingrained habits. We all do better with healthy structure in our life. The outer planet Zodiac energy era transition that began in 2024 with Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius will be complete by spring 2026. Create a visualization of what you would like your life to look like by that time, and then see that visualization as your true north star, a bright light to move toward as you journey your path of life. The energies of the Zodiac are in transition, this is a time of ascension. Flow with the astral energy tide toward ascension in your own life.
Duncan de la Montagne Renewed passion and mental clarity are the themes for today’s Full Moon in Gemini (4:02 AM EST), which occurs in conjunction with planet Mercury going direct in Sagittarius. The resulting energies should set a lively, positive tone for the Holiday Season. Inspiration for action that will enrich our living experience in the new year arises in the wake of this Gemini Full Moon. Full Moons cast light upon that which was previously hidden, thus revelations of emotional motives in seemingly complicated situations in our lives can occur now. Reasons behind blockages in initiatives or projects in our lives can also be revealed now. On a darker note, trickery or treachery going on around us often comes to light during the Gemini Full Moon. And those engaging in such subterfuge can easily find themselves caught with their pants down now, so forewarned is forearmed. This is not a time to try to get away with something, and it is certainly not a time to lie about it. This is a trickster Moon that loves to turn the table on the tricksters among us. For those living in their integrity however this Moon and Mercury going direct should serve to close out what has been a challenging year at many points on a positive energy note.
Duncan de la Montagne Spiritual revelations, spiritual awakening and spiritual awareness form in the glimmering, silvery luminescence of the Pisces Full Moon tonight (22:34 EDT). Resonant Neptunian truth beams out from the glimmering cosmic energy shards shaken free by the eclipse. This is a witchy Moon. This is a spiritual Moon. This is a powering-up Moon. This is a time to re-align with your own true values. My philosophy in life is essentially be a decent human being, and by that I mean be considerate and empathetic toward others. Be respectful and be civil. Do of course apply boundaries as need be. I believe we are all born with a spiritual duty and obligation to make the community around us a better place. Consider now what you are doing to make the immediate world around you a better place for all beings living there and for the physical Earth itself. Pisces is a sign of love, but more in the Universal sense. Wherever in the world you may be, show love by supporting women’s rights, gay rights and trans rights. Show love by supporting the unhoused in your community. Show love by supporting those in your community who struggle with mental health and addiction issues. To do these things is to live spiritually and to live in harmony with divine Universal energy. You will leave an energy imprint in the fabric of the universe when you pass, a spiritual legacy. Whether that legacy is one of darkness or one of light is up to you and how you choose to live as you travel your path.
Duncan de la Montagne We have a New Moon in Earth element sign Virgo today, and Pluto the transformer has retrograded out of its evolutionary Aquarius transit back into the Earth element sign of Capricorn for the next eleven weeks. A New Moon in Virgo is a time to cleanse and purify, to remove what is toxic and unhealthy from our lives, from our behaviors, habits and practices, and from within ourselves. This is a time to weed the metaphoric garden of your life. Move on from what needs to be moved on from in your life. Take care of the Earth element business in your life. Inventory. Organize. Downsize. Ground yourself. Look within. Consider whether negative Virgo energy manifestations have taken root inside you such as over-focus on serving the needs of others around you at the expense of looking after your own needs, obsessive anxiety based over-thinking, ego-based virtue-posturing righteous judgment, or radicalized zealotry. Practice internal alchemy. Create a better blend. Consider practicing abstinence in areas you feel you have been over indulging in or have been engaging in bad practices and patterns in. A purifying detox can help bring clarity and can facilitate spiritual awakening and awareness. Develop and form a spiritual practice you can utilize in your daily life. Make time in your own life for the arts, crafts and hobbies you love. In your life in the world, go out and advocate for peace in all the places on the planet Earth afflicted by war.
Duncan de la Montagne Full Moons shed light on what lives in the shadows, both around us and within us. There is a Full Moon in Scorpio Tuesday April 23 at 7:49 PM EDT. A Scorpio Full Moon always packs a powerful punch given that Scorpio is the most intense manifestation of the Element of Water from a power perspective. This Scorpio Full Moon squares Pluto the Transformer and Destructor. Expect revelations and exposures that shake previously held core 'truths' and pillar beliefs. Plots and schemes come to light now. Hopefully, if they are of the unexecuted nature, in time for evasive action by the intended recipients of said dark energy. Those who are drawn to chaos will find it hard to resist falling into the chasm of destruction. Fanatics and zealots may completely self-sabotage now. Disturbing but useful revelations of what lurks in your shadow self can rise now. Useful developmental change is possible now, so is selfish reactive emotion-based carnage. The quality of the coming weeks for you will be greatly influenced by what you empower inside of yourself now under this Full Moon in Scorpio. Duncan de la Montagne (for daily astrology reports follow me on Instagram and check the story section) Venus, the planet of love, attraction, creation, and creativity, is now in Virgo, where it will reside until November 8. Bring healthy Earth element grounded balance and care energies to the garden in which you live your life now. Bring those same energies to how you love in your life. Consider whether you have been reckless in who you love. Consider whether you have been unhealthy in your desires.
Are there things you need to detach from now? Behaviors? Patterns? Are you attracted to toxicity, chaos and dysfunction? Is that because it may feel familiar and there is comfort in the familiar? Do you focus too much on the needs of others and not enough on your own? Or are you too self-focused and selfish and frequently manipulate people? Do you use people? Do you allow yourself to be used? Do you see life and other people through an overly-critical, negative and judgmental lens? Do you have an inability to commit? Do you sabotage relationships to prevent yourself from being abandoned? Venus in Virgo is an opportunity to develop new insight into your relationship life, into your part in things, into why you think and act the way you do, and to do inner reset work that will lead to better experiences and results in your love life. The quality of your life in the world is always a direct reflection of your own inner state of being. Tend to your inner self now, and also put energy into tending to the garden you live in and to the greater community around you. It is the responsibility of each one of us to contribute positively to the health and well-being of the physical and human community in which we reside. Duncan de la Montagne (for daily astrology reports follow me on Instagram and check the story section) Saturn compels us to examine, to scrutinize, specific areas of our life. Saturn also brings inevitable results and conclusions, and Saturn delivers karmic consequences of actions and of non-actions, even more so when it is retrograde. Saturn is in Pisces now. Saturn moved out of Aquarius and into Pisces on March 7 of this year, and the full Saturn transit through Pisces will last until February 13, 2026. Saturn is retrograde now. This retrograde cycle began June 17 and will last until November 4, 2023. Which House in your Natal Chart is ruled by Pisces? Which areas of life will be affected most by this Saturn retrograde and Saturn transit for you?
Duncan de la Montagne Wednesday June 7 at 4:42 AM EDT the Moon moved into Aquarius, creating the most Air Element intensive period of Gemini Season 2023. Solar and Lunar energies are aligned and balanced now. Calm Aquarius grounds more volatile Gemini and helps to focus it, creating a sustainable and harnessable energy source. Furthermore, Mars and Venus in Leo are well-supported by this Air energy. This is an excellent energy window for creativity, for attraction and for communication. It is not necessarily social energy though, in fact quiet time alone to reflect and consider may hold strong appeal for many at various points over the next two days. However problems can certainly be solved now and accords reached. Aquarius, Gemini and Leo ruled Houses in Natal charts benefit greatly from these focused cerebral energies. This holds true until Friday, when the Moon transits into Pisces. The Moon/Pluto interaction on Wednesday morning may spark visions of future change, both desired and necessary. One cautionary note, with the inner planet and luminary energies tilted so strongly toward Air and Fire, Water element people may find the current cosmic energy combo unsettling to some degree. More meditation and more yoga for them.
Duncan de la Montagne (for daily astrology reports follow me on Instagram and check the story section) The Moon transited into Capricorn at 3:30 AM EDT Monday morning. This Air element/Earth element combo works, Gemini and Capricorn can get things done together. Projects of all sorts can move forward now; focus forms, commitments can be made and the means for overcoming obstacles can be found.
Venus enters Leo on June 5th. Venus, however, is opposite Pluto in Aquarius on Monday, which can reveal hidden issues or spark ego based drama. In situations of conflict be willing and prepared to hold your ground and maintain your boundaries, also remember to be respectful of those others. Overall, these are big, passionate, positive, revitalizing, attracting, performance-oriented energies that will benefit most people throughout June and July. For more personal specifics, look to the Leo-ruled House and the areas of life governed by it in your own Natal Chart. Also, consider any planets you may have in Leo. Even the late summer retrograde of Venus, July 22 to September 3, holds potential positive properties for folks, though mostly likely that would occur in the form of lessons. Duncan de la Montagne (for daily astrology reports follow me on Instagram and check the story section) |